Soft Fiction

Author: Virginia Villaplana
Place and date:

Bilbao, 2009

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Press release

2009.  The construction of desire and pleasure and the limits between fiction and document. Bilbao

“Soft Fiction” is a project seen as a way to generate stories somewhere between fiction and the notion of a document. Based on Chick Strand’s film “Soft Fiction” (1979), the Project availed of many of the narrative clichés and the images of the erotic and sexual fantasies about women, both through its images and gender fiction that is referred to: visual technologies, films, novels, music and experimental essays. 

- Media lab biography. Virginia Villaplana proposes the concept of the media lab biography as ongoing research working with stories where a network of people deconstruct and create new and experimental fiction from biographical files. 

- The “Soft Fiction” film series at the 51st International Festival of Documentaries and Short Films of Bilbao.

- Displays of videos and discussions in the Okendo's Culture House together with the Equalty Area of the City Council of Donosti. This device focuses the attention of Soft Fiction in violence, gender and globalization. 

- A book coordinated by Virginia Villaplana and backed by the Montehermoso Cultural Centre. 

If the film “Soft Fiction” (1979) by Chick Strand was somewhere between the boundaries of ethnography, documentary, avant-garde cinema and feminist counter cinema, the slot of the plot of this “Soft Fiction” Project is that of soft porn films, documentaries, narrative film and ethnographic film as experimental ethnography on the subject of fantasy. The lines of work in “Soft Fiction” cover gender policies and disidentity, translation as mediation to make problematic historical cultural references, reception of the documentary image through related projecting devices, performance as symbolic geography, and agencing with a clear vocation to create public images


 Intrahistorias project