

Literature teacher and autor of various books on cyberfeminism and science fiction Teresa López-Pellisa and writer and translator Pablo Martín Sánchez show us “Ficciones confinadas”. During this time of self-isolation, they read to us microfictions whose stories happen indoors, inside a house or in an space where the character can’t get out. The microfiction included en this fifth and last episode is "La traidora" by Patricia Esteban Erlés, included in her book Casa de muñecas (2012, Páginas de Espuma).
We also have homemade music by Nagore M. Jauregui and Alvaro Segovia and the technical part runs thanks to Alberto de la Hoz.


Literature teacher and autor of various books on cyberfeminism and science fiction Teresa López-Pellisa and writer and translator Pablo Martín Sánchez show us “Ficciones confinadas”. During this time of self-isolation, they read to us microfictions whose stories happen indoors, inside a house or in an space where the character can’t get out. The microfiction included in this fourth episode is "Mirando las flores del lado de las raíces" by Pablo Martín Sánchez, incluided in his book Fricciones (2011, Ediciones de Aquí). We also have homemade music by Nagore M. Jauregui and Alvaro Segovia and the technical part runs thanks to Alberto de la Hoz.


Literature teacher and author of various books on cyberfeminism and science fiction Teresa López-Pellisa and writer and translator Pablo Martín Sánchez show us “Ficciones confinadas”. During this time of self-isolation, they read to us microfictions whose stories happen indoors, inside a house or in an space where the character can’t get out. The microfiction included in this third episode is "La cueva" by Fernando Iwasaki. We also have homemade music by Nagore M. Jauregui and Alvaro Segovia and the technical part runs thanks to Alberto de la Hoz.

 “La cueva” by Fernando Iwasaki, is a micro story included in his book Ajuar Funerario, published in 2004 by Páginas de Espuma.



Literature teacher and author of various books on cyberfeminism and science fiction Teresa López-Pellisa and writer and translator Pablo Martín Sánchez show us “Ficciones confinadas”. During this time of self-isolation, they read to us microfictions whose stories happen indoors, inside a house or in an space where the character can’t get out. The microfiction included in this second episode is "La revolución" by Sławomir Mrożek. We also have homemade music by Nagore M. Jauregui and Alvaro Segovia and the technical part runs thanks to Alberto de la Hoz.

""La revolución" by Sławomir Mrożek is a short story included in La vida para principiantes. Un diccionario intemporal, Spanish edition published in 2013 by Acantilado, translated by Anna Rubió and Jerzy Sławomirski.



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Literature teacher and author of various books on cyberfeminism and science fiction Teresa López-Pellisa and writer and translator Pablo Martín Sánchez show us “Ficciones confinadas”. During this time of self-isolation, they read to us microfictions whose stories happen indoors, inside a house or in a space where the character can’t get out. In this first episode, exceptionally, we talk with Teresa to know how she’s dealing with self-isolation and to explain to us what her proposal of “Ficciones confinadas" is. We also have homemade music by Nagore M. Jauregui and Álvaro Segovia. Microfiction included in this first episode is “El reflectante” by Cecilia Eudave.


Referencias de la entrevista con Teresa López-Pellisa
Remedios ZafraOjos y capital, consonni, 2015
Giorgio Agamben, "La invención de una epidemia", 26/02/2020, en quodlibet.itEn español en pagina12.com.ar
Slavoj Žižek, "El coronavirus es un golpe al capitalismo al estilo de ‘Kill Bill’ y podría conducir a la reinvención del comunismo", 27/02/2020, en Russia TodayEn español en climaterra.org
Judith Butler, "La epidemia tiene sus límites", 30/03/2020, en versobooks.comEn español en lavaca.org
Franco "Bifo" Berardi, "Crónica de la psicodeflación", 20/02/2020, en neroeditions.com. En español en cajanegraeditora.com.ar
Paul B. Preciado, "Aprendiendo del virus", 28/03/2020, en elpais.com
Byung-Chul Han, "La emergencia viral y el mundo de mañana", 22/03/2020, en elpais.com
Byung-Chul HanPsicopolítica, 2014, Herder Editorial
Geert LovinkTristes por diseño. Las redes sociales como ideología, consonni, 2019
Marta Peirano, "Contra la seductora lógica del totalitarismo", 23/03, 2020, en eldiario.es
Santiago Alba Rico y Yayo Herrero, "¿Estamos en guerra?", 22/03/2020, en ctx.es
AA.VV.,"El món després del coronavirus, 04/04/2020, en ara.cat
Donna J. HarawaySeguir con el problema. Generar parentesco en el Chthuluceno, consonni, 2019
AA.VV.Actos de F.E., 2019, Cerbero
"Decálogo" de Movimiento Pragma, Fundación Asimov

Micro relato
Cecilia Eudave, "El reflectante" 

Música de Nagore M. Jauregui y Alvaro Segovia
Versión de "After Hours", original de la Velvet Underground
Versión de "Cocaine Blues", original de Mississippi John Hurt, y versión posterior de Keith Richards