Gela bat norberarena. consonni 15+1.

2012. Virginia Woolf in Basque + 16th anniversary of consonni. Bilbao

Virginia Woolf's "A Room of one's Own" essay explores women as writers, creatives, as well as fiction characters and their genre roles. Published in 1929, it is considered an inspiring feminist manifest, that talks about femenine writing in dominant patriarchal tradition. "To write novels, a woman needs money and a room of her own". This fundamental work is translated into multiple languages but it does not exist in Basque.

From consonni, we propose a special edition in Basque. Translated by Maria Colera Intxausti, designed by Maite Zabaleta, prologued by Adelina Moya and Remedios Zafraand with a Kajsa Dahlberg artistic intervention. This iniciative arises from the recent creation of a street office of consonni art producer (Bilbao). It is a demand for recognition of our own space (private and public) that women need to work, reflect and create.

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Intrahistorias project