Radio show consonni

consonni Radio AZ FEST

24/01 - 24/01 2020

Azkuna Zentroa - Auditorio 

Imagen de la actividad

The consonni publishing house residency at Azkuna Zentroa - Alhondiga Bilbao, where we have created the #consonniradioconAz radio station and over the course of two years have experimented with words and radio programmes, disseminating a culture of criticism, draws to an end.

We wish to bring to a close this adventure by holding a meeting of creators in order to discuss contemporary art and literature, using feminisms as a road map and the radio as a transmitter. In this farewell event at the Alhóndiga Bilbao auditorium, our focus is on three key literary works, as a starting premise to continue imagining together. On the one hand, two novels written in the seventies: Mujer al borde del tiempo by Marge Piercy and Yo veo / Tú signifcas by Lucy R. Lippard. And on the other, the essay Seguir con el problema by Donna J. Haraway

Empowering works in which they experiment with language, by the hand of three long-standing authors in feminist activism. Piercy, Lippard and Haraway urge us to have a critical look at the world we live in and imagine other better scenarios. To whet the appetite, introducing literary works and talk about speculative and experimental literature, we have a succulent round table moderated by Teresa López-Pellisa in which Haizea BarcenillaHelen Torres and Arrate Hidalgo participate.

The highlight of the event is brought by three reference artists such as Idoia Zabaleta, Mursego and María Arnal whom we have invited to interpret these books from the live arts and music perspective, turning words into body, action and sound. Creative women from different disciplines and generations intersect: Mursego and Lucy Lippard; Idoia Zabaleta and Marge Piercy and María Arnal and Donna Haraway. Ones texts are source of inspiration for others. Zabaleta, Arnal and Mursego make their personal interpretation of each literary work. Written words take shape on stage.

The books are metamorphosed to activate beginnings and to imagine together. This live Radio Show is a time to remember what has been experienced during these two years and to celebrate and thank the many people who have made possible the contents (podcasts and books) that we have amplified for the last two years.


Practical information:

Place: Azkuna Zentroa (Audience)

Date: 24/01/2020

Time: 19:00 PM



Teresa López-Pellisa. Is Professor of literature at the University of the Balearic Islands. Doctor in Humanities (Area of Literature) from the Carlos III University of Madrid, Degree in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Degree in Humanities from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Member of the Institute of Culture and Technology of the Carlos III University of Madrid and of the GENET Association (Gender Studies Network) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Pasavento magazine and editor of Brumal. Her lines of research focus on science fiction literature and its relationships with virtual reality, literature and cyberculture, theater and new technologies and gender studies.

Mursego. Mursego is Maite Arroitajauregi. Mursego is bat in Spanish. Mursego makes music with a cello, pedal loop station, a whistling instrument, Chinese dishes, plunger flute, tambourine, ukulele, keyboard with colored lights, autoharp, rhymes, palms, improvisation and voice. Since 2009 she has continued the search for her own musical language, trying to hybridize avant-garde, folklore and classical music resulting in countless concerts, 3 own albums -bat, bi and hiru (Bidehuts) - and a collective disc recorded with and for the people from Oion (Álava). She has been interspersing her musical work with Contemporary Dance and Theater, focusing on the audiovisual world, and composing soundtracks for feature films - Amama, Emak Bakia Morir, Akelarre….-, shorts and documentaries, collaborating with directors such as Isaki Lakuesta, Fernando Franco, Oskar Alegría or Asier Altuna.

Helen Torres was born in Uruguay, grew up in Argentina, and lives in Catalonia. She works as a sociologist, educator and translator from feminist and anticolonial perspectives in the articulation between language, art and politics. She has developed interventions in public space through geolocated sound narratives and literary tours; published a novel (Autopsy of a lobster, Melusina, 2010) and an anthology of stories (Relatos Marranos, Pol·len, 2015). Specializing in the work of Donna Haraway, she has translated her works Testigo_Modesto @ Segundo_Milenio, HombreHembra_Conoce_Oncoratón (UOC, 2002), the Manifiesto Chthuluceno desde Santa Cruz y Seguir con el problema (consonni, 2019) into Spanish. She has just translated Woman on the Edge of Time, by Marge Piercy (consonni, next publication), and is part of the UrsuLab biomedialab of L'Antre Peaux in the area of speculative fabulation.

Arrate Hidalgo is a translator, editor, critic and agitator in the field of feminist science fiction. She acts as a bridge between creators, media and international audiences, weaving networks of artistic militancy from a Cuir prism. Since 2014 she specializes in translating science fiction, feminist, cuir and decolonial voices. She is the associate editor in Aqueduct Press and chief editor of her magazine The Cascadia Subduction Zone. Among her speculative exploration/dissemination projects are the reading group ZFFZ! with the LGBTQ network of Zarautz; the podcast in collaboration with consonni ¿Qué haría Barbarella?; essays and fiction, presentations; or her exhibition of linguistic archeofutourism Babel-18 (resident artist in BilbaoArte 2018). She is co-founder of AnsibleFest, the first science fiction and feminism festival in the state, organized in Bilbao, which this year celebrated its second edition.

Haizea Barcenilla is an art historian, critic and curator. She is a professor in the areas of Museology and Contemporary Art at UPV / EHU, and investigates the ways in which the discourse of art history is constructed from a feminist perspective.

Idoia Zabaleta. Choreographer. In the Faculty of Biology she specialized in ecosystems and population dynamics. She studied new dance and improvisation in the nineties. Worked with the company Mal Pelo between 1995 and 1999. Since 2000 she has created her own work collaborating with other artists and researchers such as Isabel de Naverán, Filipa Francisco, Antonio Tagliarini, Ixiar Rozas, Sofia Asencio, among others. Her work has been seen in international festivals and meetings. Since 2008, she has been building and governing together with Juan González, the AZALA creation and artistic residences space, located in the same town where he lives.

Maria Arnal is a Singer and composer
