Book presentation


11/05 - 12/05 2019

Ateneu Cultural i Popular L'Harmonia 

Imagen de la actividad

Fira Literal finally arrives, a fair of ideas and radical books. It takes place in Ateneu Cultural I Popular L’Harmonia (former Fabra i Coats factory, Barcelona) from 11th to 13th of May. If you happen to be in Barcelona, stop by, we’re waiting for you at our stand, which will be open on 12th and 13th from 11h to 21h.

Saturday 11th of May at 15h
Joe Forga Room, Ateneu l’Harmonia
We present el “Origen del Mundo” (Origin of the World), this new collection of consonni tracks other ways of thinking and feeling and representing life. We redefine the so-called title of Courbet’s painting from a feminist and iconic perspective, in order to delve into the relationship between science, economy, culture and territory. A literature that especulates, fictionalises and dissects realities to imagine worlds. We are speaking of the book Woman in the edge of time by Marge Percey and Staying with the trouble by Donna Haraway. Both titles are included in this new collection. The researcher and translator Helen Torres, in charge of translating both books, speaks with Neus Molina regarding these next publications in the context of this new collection.

More information:
