Iván de la Nuez en librería Zuloa - Gasteiz
Gazteiz, Librería Zuloa
Next Monday 11th of March Iván de la Nuez presents «Teoría de la retaguardia. Cómo sobrevivir al arte contemporáneo (y a casi todo lo demás)» (Theory of the Avant-Garde) with the collaboration of the artist and professor in the UPV (University of the Basque Country) Arturo/Fito Rodriguez.The act takes place in Zuloa Gasteiz Bookstore.
Teoría de la Retaguardia follows an art which leaves its splinters in politics, iconography or literature, fields from which it returns increasingly battered to its perennial Ithaca: the museum. Resulting from that return trip, it is worth asking ourselves if Contemporary Art will ever end. If it is mortal, it’s worth writing an ending to it.
More information available here: https://bit.ly/2XQ7etD