consonni at ARCO with Arts Libris
IFEMA, Madrid
This year we will also be at the Feria ARCO thanks to the Feria Internacional de la Edición Contemporánea (International Contemporary Publishing Fair) Arts Libris. From February 21 to 25 in pavilion 9 in IFEMA (Madrid). In 2018 ArtsLibris is increasing its space in ARCOmadrid, and will now occupy over 400 m2 to exhibit the work of 30 international publishers. Furthermore, on Thursday 22 at 17.00h we will be presenting the two latest novelties published by consonni with the presence of both authors: Cómo hacer cosas con arte (How to Do Things with Art ) by Dorothea von Hantelmann and El arte de la mediación (The Art of Mediation) by Oriol Fontdevila. They will be accompanied by the curator and researcher Olga Fernández López who will moderate the presentation.
Dorothea von Hantelmann
She is Professor of Art and Society at Bard College Berlin. Her main fields of research are contemporary art theory and practice as well as the history and social function of art exhibitions. At the heart of "How to Do Things with Art" lies the question of art's relevance to society. How does art become politically or socially significant? This book attempts to answer this question on a theoretical level, and to indicate, through the analysis of works by James Coleman, Daniel Buren, Jeff Koons, and Tino Sehgal, how artists can create and shape social relevance.
Oriol Fontdevila (Manresa, 1978)
He is a writer, curator and researcher. The Sala d’Art Jove (Young Art Showroom) of the Government of Catalonia has served him for more than ten years as a base camp from which to experiment with the intersection between art and mediation. His research has been reinforced by his curating projects in institutions like the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, the Fundació Joan Miró, Arts Santa Mònica, as well as by his interest in education, through his direction of the A*Desk program of studies.
The Art of Mediation: All art is mediated, while at the same time art is an agent of mediation. That is why tracing a genealogy of mediation in this book becomes a type of history of art, analysing the work of some of its leading figures, such as William Turner, Clement Greenberg, Daniel Buren, Joseph Kosuth, Harald Szeemann, Seth Siegelaub, Lucy Lippard or Tania Bruguera, amongst others.
Olga Fernández López
She is an Assistant Professor in the History and Theory of Art Department at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and she will be accompanying the authors. Her research focuses on the specificities of the exhibition medium and its critical possibilities for curatorial practice. She recently curated the exhibition Mil bestias que rugen. Dispositivos de exposición para una modernidad crítica (A Thousand Beasts That Roar. Exhibition devices for a critical modernity) (Centro andaluz de arte contemporáneo).
It is necessary to obtain a ticket for admission.
More info about ARCO and tickets here.
More info about Arts Libris here.