con_textos con Elisa McCausland y Diego Salgado

20/07 - 21/07 2017


Imagen de la actividad

Photo caption: Still from the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Zack Snyder, 2016).

con_textos@Elisa McCausland y Diego Salgado

Surviving the mainstream image

In spite of the new status favourable to popular culture in essay-writing and academic circles, what is lacking is a more conscious reading of its images, which frequently fall victim to a playful consumption that barely notices their many complexities. This workshop, structured in two sessions, seeks to awaken in those taking part a critical gaze regarding the most widespread expressions of contemporary audio-visual culture (cinema, comics and other media), which will contribute to resisting their hegemony and, at the same time, evaluate them correctly as something indispensable for understanding our present. Similarly, the workshop will address the possibilities for reinterpreting and deactivating these expressions, through prosumption, hacking or re-appropriation.

Practical information

Twelve hour workshop aimed at cultural managers and prescribers, generalist and specialist journalists, and members of the public with a close affinity to mainstream culture or interested in its signifiers and trends.

Dates and times: Thursday 20 July from 10h to 14h and from 15h to 19h and Friday 21 from 10h to 14h.

Free workshop, involving prior registration, the number of places is limited.

Inscription by writing before Tuesday 18 July to and answering the following questions: Why are you interested in the workshop? In what fields do you usually work? Is your relation with popular culture based on love, hate or indifference?

Elisa McCausland (Madrid, 1983) is a journalist, critic and researcher specialising in popular culture. Author of Wonder Woman: El feminismo como superpoder (2017). She has participated in collective books like Vengadores: Poder Absoluto (2013), Watchmen: Radiografías de una explosión (2013), Batman desde la periferia (2013), Los héroes están muertos (2014) and Yo soy más de series (2015). She has reflected  on culture, image and feminisms in radiophonic spaces like El Séptimo Vicio (Radio 3), Isla Paraíso y Perros Verdes (El Estado Mental), Rock & Cómics and Sangre Fucsia. She writes on comics, cinema and literature in the newspaper Diagonal-El Salto and in the digital media Canino and Pikara Magazine. She is an occasional collaborator in publications like CuCo. Cuadernos de Cómic, Visual 404, Inquire Project, Caimán. Cuadernos de Cine and Dirigido por. She is a promotor of the Colectivo de Autoras de Cómic and a member of the Asociación de Críticos y Divulgadores de Cómic. Curator of the exhibition ‘Presentes: Autoras de tebeo de ayer y hoy’.

Diego Salgado has been a film critic since 2004. He writes in Cine para Leer, Détour, Dirigido Por, Guía del Ocio and Imágenes de Actualidad. Previously he collaborated in media like Cahiers du Cinéma España, FanDigital, Miradas de Cine and the radio program El Rayo Verde. He has participated in collective books like Cien Miradas de Cine (2011), John Carpenter: Ultimátum a la Tierra (2013), A Tumba Abierta: El Cine Kamikaze (2014), Werner Herzog: Espejismos de sueños olvidados (2015), Antología del Cine Fantástico y de Terror Español (2015-2016) and Porno: ven y mira (2017). He has given talks on criticism and cinema at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and other institutions. He is an occasional collaborator in publications Cine Divergente, IGN España, L’Atalante, Numerocero, Transit and Visual404. He has participated in different critical editions on DVD. Member of the Online Film Critics Society.
