Maite Garbayo in Iruñea-Pamplona
On Thursday 30th of June the book "Cuerpos que aparecen: Performance y feminismos en el tardofranquismo" of Maite Garbayo Maeztu will be presented in Katakrak (Iruña-Pamplona, C/Mayor, 54) at 19h. The author will be accompanied by Begoña Zabala, lawyer and activist from Emakume Internazionalistak and Coordinadora Feminista de Navarra).
Maite Garbayo Maeztu (Iruñea, 1980) Researcher and writer. Doctor in Art History from the University of the Basque Country and Teacher of the History of Art at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. As an art critic, she has published in several exhibition catalogues and in specialized media, including A*Desk, Exit Express, Mugalari and Petunia. She is the editor of the journal Pipa, a publication specializing in contemporary art, critical theory and feminisms. Maite has taught in different public (UPV, UPNA, UNAM…) and private institutions and is a member of the Network Conceptualismos del Sur. Her Post Doctorate from the Institute of Aesthetic Research, attached to the National Autonomous University of Mexico, was obtained with the project Intersubjectivity and transference: toward an aesthetic of the incalculable.
Her investigations have focussed on the intersections between feminist theories and contemporary art and visual culture, with special attention to performance practices, the body and performativity.