S2. Donna Haraway, Diego del Pozo and Aimar Arriola

04/02 - 04/02 2016
consonni HPC @Diego del Pozo. Tocar, no dominar

S2. Conversations with Donna Haraway, Diego del Pozo and Aimar Arriola
Thursday 4 February at 19.00
in Hika Ateneo (muelle de Ibeni, 1, Bilbo). Free. Entry free until full capacity is reached.

A three-way conversation. From Bilbao, curator and researcher Aimar Arriola and artist Diego del Pozo will converse with Donna Haraway, from California, author of an extensive bibliography devoted to the analysis of the metaphors employed in science and the way in which they subtly determine the networks of power that control the world. 

Donna J. Haraway (b. Denver, Colorado, 1944) is a Distinguished Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department and Feminist Studies Department at the University of California, Santa CruzUnited States. Haraway is a prominent scholar in the fields of science and technology studies, feminist studies, and multispecies studies. She is the author of numerous books and essays that bring together questions of science, anti-racism, and feminism. Her two well known manifestos, “The Cyborg Manifesto” (1985) and “The Companion Species Manifesto” (2003), have been republished as Manifestly Haraway (spring 2016). Her 1988 paper titled “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective” has been published many times in many languages. Donna Haraway, one of the most original and controversial figures in the field of cultural studies, science and technology, uses the metaphor of the cyborg (the name given by Mandred Clynes in 1960 to a lab rat in which he implanted a cybernetic control system) to indicate that our bodies and identities—gender, sexuality and race—, are products of complex, historically situated, bio-political technologies. From the beginning unhappy with the idioms of posthumanism and of postmodernism, she argues that we are not posthuman (or posthumanist); we are compost. We are humus, not homo, and that matters for living and dying well as mortal earthlings.  Her newest books make string figures with biologies, arts, technologies, multispecies entanglements, and politics. When Species Meet (2008) and Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene (fall 2016).

Aimar Arriola Curator and researcher.

Diego del Pozo. Artist, cultural producer, and lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the University of Salamanca. Also member of the artistic collectives C.A.S.I.T.A., Subtramas and Declinación Magnética. He develops projects around the social construction of subjectivities. His work revolves around affect and desire, and the way in which these aspects are substantially conditioned by economic production systems. Among the latest shows he has taken part in is Un Saber Realmente Útil, in the Museo Reina Sofía.


the proposal from Diego del Pozo during his HPC residency at consonni presents: 

consonni HPC @Diego del Pozo. Touch, don’t dominate
Think about how one can place oneself in the place of another, how one sees from another’s position. It’s important in Diego del Pozos proposal. Making "the visible caress the eyes ", touching, feeling other positions, those of an astronaut, a micro-organism, an elephant, a Quaternary fossil... Touch, don’t dominate proposes a series of readings, encounters and experiments that prompt us to move from our usual viewing positions. A politically situated view unleashes an accumulation of potentialities to activate the body and imagination in other directions. What is the view from the prosthesis of a paraplegic dancing girl in the year 2073?...

S1. Reading group around the text Situated knowledges: the science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective by Donna Haraway,

Reading group for working around the text Situated knowledges: the science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective by Donna Haraway, from different viewpoints -science, art, feminisms. The debates and issues addressed will be transmitted to Haraway in a public conversation.

Practical information:
Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 February from 16.00 to 19.00 at consonni (calle Cortes at the corner of Conde Mirasol) at consonni (calle Cortes at the corner of Conde Mirasol) Limited places, registration before Friday 29 January writing to montserrat@consonni.org

S2. Conversations with Donna Haraway, Diego del Pozo and Aimar Arriola
Thursday 4 February at 19.00
in Hika Ateneo (muelle de Ibeni, 1, Bilbo). Free. Entry free until full capacity is reached.

A three-way conversation. From Bilbao, curator and researcher Aimar Arriola and artist Diego del Pozo will converse with Donna Haraway, from California, author of an extensive bibliography devoted to the analysis of the metaphors employed in science and the way in which they subtly determine the networks of power that control the world.

HPC is an experimental programme for intervening in consonni’s office, in a site-specific chain. HPC stands for "Shared room of one’s own". A tip of the cap to Virginia Woolf.
