con_textos @Garikoitz Fraga @Belleza Infinita
con_textos @Garikoitz Fraga @Belleza Infinita. El arte de editar con arte
Artistic edition workshop with Garikoitz Fraga, in charge of the publishing house Belleza Infinita.
An encounter for reflection on the art of editing, discovering questions, and sharing concerns and experiences.
Through small practical exercises, we will come up with the usual problems. We will also take projects into account that the actual participants might be developing.
We will consider all the elements that comprise a publication: size, paper, binding, typography, order, layout…
We will analyse the concepts and narrative structures of a variety of references.
Practice information:
Tuesday 26 May 11h.00 to 14.00 and Wednesday 27 from 11.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 19.00, at consonni (c/Conde Mirasol 13-LJ1D, Bilbao)
Free workshop with prior subscription, limited places.
Registration before 22 May, writing to in reply to the following questions: Why are you interested in the workshop? What areas would you most like to develop? Are you working on a publication? Profiles will be selected to adapt and focus contents, confirmation response will be sent.
con_texts consists of a series of non-regulated training workshops whose focus is to work on the idea of edition in its full scope and in relation with artistic practices.