Núria Güell Too much Public Sphere?
Sukaldea. Tabakalera. Donostia.
Workshop run by artist Núria Güell Too much Public Sphere?
Wednesday 10th from 16.00 to 20.00 and Thursday 11th from 10.00 to 14.00 (link actv. Web) in Sukaldea (Tabakalera, Duque de Mandas, 32, bajo de la Torre de Atotxa Donostia)
Following an introduction to projects that have been produced, with the complicity of different collectives, beneath a horizon of social and political transformation, we will focus on the latest project, which was cancelled by the very state institution that commissioned it. Where does the responsibility of institution, artist and collaborators begin and end? What should the role of public cultural institutions be? Where do its boundaries lie? …
The Public Sphere Laboratory is a space for conducting research, experiments and production of an artistic, reflective, technical and/or theoretical nature around the construction of public sphere through artistic practices. Taking up positions in relation with discourses on public art and presenting the city as a scenario for experimentation and interdisciplinary investigation. We want to recover age-old debates about artistic intervention in (public) space and its aesthetic representation, and debate around the public status of art works.
The PS Laboratory is a project directed by consonni within the Donostia/San Sebastián, Capital Europea de la Cultura 2016 programme with the support and collaboration of Tabakalera, UPV/EHU, ENPAP (European Network of Public Art Producers) and also of Public Art Agency Sweden (Sweden). A project that will run during 2015 and 2016.
Núria Güell