Again, again(st) Pablo Marte

30/10 - 30/10 2013


Imagen de la actividad

World premiere of Again, again(st) of Pablo Marte at BAD  theather festival.  

During two days, the instalation could be visited and second day the performance will happen:

INSTALATION: Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30. free entrance. On Tuesday from 12pm to 2pm and 5pm to 9pm. And Wednesday from 12pm to 2pm.

PERFORMANCE: Wednesday 30 at 9pm. in advance 8€ (you can buy then here). in Bilborock 10€ 


In Again, Again(st) a dual practice is involved. On one hand, there is theatrical practice, because On the other, exhibition practice, as Again, Again(st)  is also an art installation deployed in the very same space. The purpose is to show a conflict between what functions in one way and what functions in another.
