Presentation of SOFT POWER
Medialab-Prado, in Intermediae Matadero, Madrid
After staying in Barcelona presenting the book SOFT POWER of María Ptqk, we move now to Madrid, more specifically to Medialab-Prado.
The event, is on Friday 23, at 6pm, in Intermediae Matadero.
And the surprise is that for the one´s that is not possible to come.... will have the chance to see via streaming without losing detail!
And we will continue next year...,
Berlín. 14/12/12.
in the gallery Savvy Contemporary.
Bilbao. 12/01/13.
in the office of consonni.
Donostia. 17/01/13. 7.30pm.
in the bookstore Kaxilda.
So anyway...enjoy it!