Art in a Future Situation

01/11 - 30/11 2003

At the Museo del Montsià. Amposta.

One of the objectives of the debate is to assess the new forms in which contemporary art can form part of local environments. The other is to determine through discussion what characteristics and conditioning factors are required of spaces for visual arts. The debate is therefore an invitation to take part in a project for a visual arts space to be constituted on the basis of activities such as this one.

The idea underlying these working seminars is that lost time cannot be made up by emulating the audience education processes implemented by major institutions in recent years, but rather by projecting strategies for the future that link cultural and environmental values.

The speakers in the debate on "Art in a Future Situation" will present to the audience a range of specialist, institutional and collective practices that may serve to inspire work immediately in certain directions. The debating sessions open to the public will help generate a working agenda that can be assumed by a space devoted to the visual arts.

With Carles Guerra as commissioner and Dziga as producer, the event will feature Manuel Olveira, Mizien (Jorge Mestre & Ivan Bercedo), Franck Larcade, Georges Yúdice, El sueño colectivo (Montse Romani, María Ruido & Virginia Villaplana), Perejaume and Marta Gili.
