Active principles and emulsion agents
At the Menéndez Pelayo International University. Formigal - Huesca
consonni was invited to participate in a framework of reflection on the structural changes in the visual arts in the transition towards a new culture, seeking to determine the new emerging profile of art.
Today's prevailing artistic horizon at present was established in the 1970s. The proposals of this trend are being creatively extended but at the same time we are witnessing a transition to something new. This new situation is mainly the result of the increasing contamination of art by technology. Through the spectacular development of electronic and digital media, we are headed towards a cultural horizon that will inevitably be different, in which art will have to enter new territories and tackle qualitatively different media and materials.
Participants: Bruno Corà (director of the Pecci Museum in Prato); Meneen Gras Balaguer (exhibition curator); Miguel Angel Ramos (lecturer in Aesthetics and Art Theory at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Carsten Ahrens (subdirector of Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover); Joel Savary (Advisor on visual arts for the Regional Office of Cultural Affairs of Aquitaine); Franck Larcade (director of consonni); Pedro Pizarro (Director of the Fundación Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Malaga); Liliana Albertazzi (exhibition curator); Santiago Eraso (Director of Arteleku, San Sebastian) and Javier Maderuelo (lecturer in aesthetics at the University of Alcalá de Henares).